Algorithms (i.e. step by step procedures
for solving a problem) have an important role in decision making
and are a key format for sharing of medical information.
In Surgical Pathology algorithms usually take
the form of decision tree diagrams or of differential diagnosis
listings. Data entry to the algorithm is almost always in the form
of qualitative variables (presence or absence of morphologic patterns
or of morphologic features). Despite the large number of published
algorithms, many are not widely used or are underutilized. Some
of the barriers to their application lie in the lack of knowledge
that they exists and in a lack of availability at the point of care.
AlgViewer works as a client to a central algorithm
repository, mirroring locally the repository's tree and allowing
easy access and interactive graphic visualization of the algorithms.
In addition it permits uploading of newly created algorithms, allowing
the sharing of new contributions among a community of users.