

  The Algs_dir directory
  Tree-like algorithms data structure
  Scorecard algorithms data structure
    Using scorecard algorithms
  Editing - New - Searching algorithms
  The local repository
  The central repository

FTP site administrator tasks
Included algorithms
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The central repository

The FTP central repository allows sharing of the created algorithms within a user community.

All the FTP servers I had the opportunity to test have been compatible with AlgViewer.

Two types of connection to the ftp server are possible, respectively a User and an Administrator connection. Both require that you first set the Sync menu Configure options.


Id, password, host address and port of the FTP connection are entered through the Config window. Clicking the submit button verifies that the connection configuration is appropriate (see configure window picture Config_pic ).

Figure 5: Configure window
User sync

The User sync is started with the User ftp_sync option of the Sync menu.

When selected, it will add to the local repository all the algorithms and directories present in the central repository and absent in the local machine.

All the algorithms present in the local and not in the central repository are uploaded to the Alg_candidates remote directory.

Algorithms with the same name are considered in the current release identical. Algs are identified as new only if they have different names. Modification time is not taken into account. Modified algorithms with an unchanged name will not be uploaded to the server.

Synchronization time will vary according to the number of files needing to be transferred, to the server load and to the speed of your connection. The cursor icon will become a small spider during this process.

Administrator sync

The Administrator sync is started with the Administrator Ftp_sync option of the Sync menu.

When selected, it will add to the local repository all the algorithms and directories present in the central repository and absent in the local machine.

All the algorithms present in the local, and not in the central repository, are uploaded directly to the main Algs_dir working FTP directory, and not to the Alg_candidates directory.

Again, algorithms with the same name are considered in the current release identical. Algs are identified as new only if they have different names. Modification time is not taken into account. Modified algorithms with an unchanged name will not be uploaded to the server.

Synchronization time will vary according to the number of files needing to be transferred, to the server load and to the speed of your connection. The cursor icon will become a small spider during this process



Department of Pathology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy. E-mail: